Outside Magazine

My Life with the Horror

Illustration about the various types of motion sickness.

Client: Outside Magazine / Art Director: Petra Zieler / Software: Adobe Photoshop / Year: 2021 /

Client: Outside Magazine / Art Director: Petra Zieler / Software: Adobe Photoshop / Year: 2021 /


I wanted to convey through the sketches the sensations and the symptomatology of Motion Sickness, in both cases the perspective plays a fundamental role to create that feeling of restlessness and loss of control. 

Final Illustration

In the final image we see the main character trying to keep his balance while traveling on the boat. The rest of the people are enjoying the ride while we watch the scene from the main character's point of view.


Sotrac / Ateneu Popular 9 Barris


What's the Big Idea / ROULEUR