El Crack que Nos Viene

Illustration of a possible new economic recession prior to COVID-19

Client: GQ / Art Director: Fer Vallespin / Software: Adobe Photoshop / Year: 2021 /

Client: GQ / Art Director: Fer Vallespin / Software: Adobe Photoshop / Year: 2021 /

Final Sketch

I started from the base with the idea of the shark as a threat that you do not see coming, it also serves as a metaphor for the pool economy, we don't see the end or the real bottom

Final Illustration

I gave it strength with fresh and somewhat vivid colors to make the economic theme less heavy, also so that the image of the shark contrasts with the calm of the pool.


El Valor del Esfuerzo / Inditex Magazine


Proyecto Libera / Ecoembes